MiE Fielding : SOUND ART

'New music expression can't be constrained by canonical rules of the past. Any perceived 'chaos' can be deciphered if you give the ears a chance. True works of art are always completed by the viewer / listener. The 'work' is my identity. A new objectivity'

The wind pump and the willow warbler.

Studio constructed ambient / Industrial soundscape. Wheldrake Ings has an unearthly sounding and intermittently moving old wind pump. This landscape music was formed using a field recording of the pump and accompanying singing willow warbler.

Aves Elektron charts the dramatic decline of Britain's bird life

Aves Elektron

Death of the Nightingale

The landscape and wildlife that existed during the time of Olivier Messiaen's Catalogue d'oiseaux has sadly disappeared, with a marked and rapid decrease in the last thirty years, a period of wanton greed and consumerism.

Using his own vast library of recorded bird songs and calls, MiE Fielding's Aves Elektron portrays this decline with an apocalyptic electronic soundscape composition produced solely from bird sound samples, taking the listener on a journey that reflects the sad and catastrophic demise of Britain's bird life. Available as a book with accompanying CD. 360 degree audio and should be enjoyed using headphones. more

Bugs on Water

landing, feeding, moving, moving intricate detail, distorting intricate detail, disturbing, ripping, tearing intricate detail, living, breathing ..bugs on water. Use headphones. Nothing of interest here for the 'Skip generation'.

MiE Fielding & Harry Gallagher.

Transposed voices

Sound art taking it's inspiration from William Burrough's / John Cage / Alvin Lucier. A ambisonic production for headphones on CD. However the composition is best enjoyed via headphones on a walk of the listeners choice by using a CD walkman or by downloading the digital version. Harry Gallagher's cut up poetry and its associated ambience collide with the live sounds  experienced , allowing for an 'infinite' interpretation of '

Transposed voices'. CD VOERT. 6767 In production

Minus One

Yet again trying to get away from diatonic minimalism and shifting the focus from a dominating melody to the 'Yin and Yang' fluctuation between the atonal 'lead instrument' and the backing 'strings'. The 'strings' are a sample recording of Northern Lapwing through multiple processing. I always loved the guitar sample that I recorded in 2004 using a Roland VG-88 on a fender Stratocaster and so it appears in this track. Use Headphones

In the deep afternoon of a dream.

Sound Art. A summer snooze by the River Coquet. Nature doesn't stop. The sub-rhythmical element represents the river, and the interaction of bird sound mixes with the movements of nature. Underlying the piece is a deep slumber. Equipment used. Arturia Keystep 37. Field recordings and Arturia Coldfire VST, Wave Arts Panorama.

MiE Fielding & dumdum SCORE

Shape / Shine / Shadow / Silhouette

'One of the duo's most compelling pieces. With perhaps some echo's of the likes of Burial (William Bevan) and Dominick Fernow (Vatican shadow) the first recordings from shape shine shadow silhouette were put down in 1986.

The lone haunting whistle in the second part of this piece is truly spine chilling'.

More about dumdum SCORE here

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