360 degree recordings. Best with headphones


An assault has taken place .The speeding train finally stands motionless on the moonlit embankment. But who's the victim ?


The struggle for life's harmony, and all the while the rain pours.

Veiled - A life's journey that never quite 'made it'  and all the time - the rain pours.

Hoist Youthful sails

Let them fill with a fools wind

The captain sets course for a life of greed and plenty - chasing glitter.

An ever expanding waistline and neighbourly pride is a 'dream kitchen'

Glitter at the expense of his own children.

Scoff scoff scoff with fellow pigs in the trough the hold is never quite full enough, never reaching land.

Soon his vessel lies shipwrecked, two black circles aloft , it spins, capsizes and sinks without trace.

The glitter is sold by arguing offspring - the fruits of a man who was, and remains in death,

No one in particular.

Three Fifths

The Three-fifths Compromise was an agreement over the counting of slaves in order to determine a state's total population

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